Saturday, September 24, 2011

My mind is BLOWN!!!

When I started my liquid diet (last Tuesday) ... I was 406. The day I left the hospital (this past Wednesday), I was at 386. I just weighed today ... 371.

35lbs lost in like 11 days. WHAT???


I've been having a hard time this week wondering if I did the right thing ... 

The answer is YES. YES I DID!

Also, today is the first day of NO PAIN MEDICINE! Looking forward to going out with the Mrs. tomorrow - just for a drive and to get out of the house for a while. God is so good.


  1. AMAZING! You are doing so well. The first few weeks the weight will just fall off, and I will admit you get spoiled by those great numbers. I got so use to 2-4 lbs a week, now when I only lose a half pound or 1 lb I get sad!
    Keep up the great work, can't wait to watch your progress!

  2. I gave you an award on my blog today!

